Monday, October 12, 2020

A New Old Family

 The Phalange Family

Meet the founder of the Planange family, Regina Phalange.  She is an orphan who was raised in the foster care system, but due to her diligence and hard work was noticed by a wealthy family right before her 18th birthday.  This family anonymously arranged for her to go to college.  Even though she had to work hard and keep up her grades, without this help she would never had been accepted.  To this day the family does not know who their benefactor was.  They pay their help forward every generation by adopting a child from the system.

Regina graduated with honors and carried on her art career.  She moved into a small apartment and saved her money until she could afford to expand her family by adopting a child. 
Eventually her daughter, Avery, moved into a large 3 story penthouse and she and her son, Kerry, continued their legacy. 

The Phalange graduation pictures... It's amazing how much these adopted children all look alike.  


Clive Phalange

After several generations we return to the Phalange family.  Clive Phalange is the elder member of the family.  He graduated from college with a business degree and made it to the top of his career.  Now in his retirement he has taken up the family business of painting.  
And as all painters desire he wanted to see his work in the museum.  So he called up his lady love, Lara Benedict, and invited her down there.  

He's been keeping Lara away from the homestead because he's moved their son, Micah, in to continue with the family.  Yes, he's not truely adopted from the system, but his cousin, Rosemary, is destined for a different life path. 
While Clive and Lara are at the museum, something momentous happens. 
Grimmy pays him a visit. 

Luckily Laura called Rosemary and had her come right down.  She begged Grimmy not to take her cousin and he being in an agreeable mood that day let Clive return to the world of the living.